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[0071] Bill's European Incursion: 6-15-02 London

01 Elf Locking sewers

02 Guards selling things

03 Westminster

04 above the door

05 gargoyles

06 other end of Westminster

07 Troupe of some sort

08 Belgo

09 Belgo menu

10 Belgo interior

11 Belgo exterior

12 Max Headroom

13 Pollocks Toy Museum

14 room 1

15 room 2

16 room 3

17 room 3

18 room 2, Hitler puppet

19 room 4, bears

20 room 4, same bears

21 room 4, Gollywogs

22 room 4, Dollhouses

23 room 4, Charlestonian dool house

24 room 5, nursery

25 room 5, Noah's ark

26 room 5

27 room 6

28 room 6

29 Natural History museum

30 Natural History museum

31 Natural History museum great hall

32 entrance dinosaur

33 Giant Redwood

34 Natural History museum interior

35 seashells 1

36 seashells 2

37 seashells 3

38 seashells 4

39 rat-hippo-elephant
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