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[0077] Bill's European Incursion: 6-21-02 and 6-22-02 Nuremberg

01 6-21-02 Lots of signs at Brussels

02 6-21-02 the pizza place I ate at

03 6-21-02 the pizza place I ate at again

04 6-21-02 Train station--Brussels, Cologne, or Nuremburg

05 Marc's parents' living room

06 Marc's parents' breakfast room with Marc's mother

07 Marc's parents' foyer

08 Marc's parents' my bedroom

09 Marc's parents' the stairs to the second floor

10 the second floor

11 the second floor other room

12 Marc on the stair to their house

13 the front of the house

14 Nuremburg tower

15 Nuremburg church

16 Nuremburg church top

17 Nuremburg church door

18 Stief store

19 me and Steif bear

20 church of the tower fame

21 church again

22 the tower and market

23 where the tower would be

24 the gold ring

25 the black ring

26 Durer

27 walkway to the castle of Nuremburg

28 Marc and I on the start of the town wall

29 looking out from the town wall

30 the town from the the wall

31 the castle tower

32 castle courtyard

33 castle from the tower

34 more castle from the tower

35 Steif's daughter's dollhouse

36 Steif's daughter's dollhouse

37 intricate dollhouse

38 more intricate dollhouse

39 Nuremburg bridge

40 Nuremburg river

41 Nuremburg fountain

42 Nuremburg fountain closer

43 me and Marc's girlfriend, Alexandra

44 Alexandra, Marc, Mr. and Ms. Bielitza

45 me, Alexandra, Marc, Mr. and Ms. Bielitza
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