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[0080] Bill's European Incursion: 6-25-02 Legoland Germany

01 Legoland entrance

02 Lego entrance tourists

03 Berlin city hall

04 Berlin angel statue

05 Venice

06 venice and bridge

07 funky small car of legos

08 747

09 airport

10 Switzerland town where a James Bond film was made and my bag

11 Einstien

12 aminals

13 elephant, flamingo, and pelicans

14 kitty

15 dinosaurs

16 owl and owlets

17 archer

18 guard

19 scared knave

20 guards

21 ants and bee

22 system failure

23 system failure 2

24 frogs

25 luke

26 miniland

27 venice

28 Darth Maul

29 Darth Maul side

30 tourist dog

31 stupid German keyboard
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