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[0083] Bill's European Incursion: 6-28-02 to 7-10-02 Arezzo and Sargiano

01 terrace with statue

02 front of the monastery

03 banner for the conference

04 flags

05 the cherry tree

06 walkway beside the gardens

07 to the gardens

08 the grounds

09 facing the other direction

10 Adriana, Pasquale, and Alan

11 Pier Franco in shadow

12 Ludwig

13 at the reception

14 reception

15 Pier Franco

16 the conference

17 the conference

18 Luciano singing

19 Luciano singing

20 conference sign

21 cats

22 Elke

23 the pond

24 neat tree

25 the other pond

26 stairs

27 looking up to the terrace

28 near the terrace base

29 the belltower

30 a hole

31 Alan going to the garden

32 the garden

33 Elke, me, Alan, and Bruno

34 St Francis and the wolf statue

35 Nya

36 nother kitty

37 a walk in the woods

38 by the pond

39 at the bench

40 Pier Franco and me

41 the terrace and the city

42 terrace and the city again

43 kitten

44 making a hole

45 other side of the room

46 the solar panels

47 roof of the monastery
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